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Applied Imagery Quick Terrain Modeller v8.0.7.2 x64 USA

发表于 2023-6-11 21:39:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Applied Imagery Quick Terrain Modeller v8.0.7.2 x64 USA

Quick Terrain Modeller is professional software for 3D rendering of terrain data from LiDAR (LiDAR) data. Although the ability of this application is not limited to LiDAR data and is well adapted to other data systems, it is undoubtedly its main ability when working with this data format. LiDAR is a remote sensing technology that uses laser radiation to scan the Earth and understand its three-dimensional structure. The system sends 16,000 light-pulses per second to a target subject (land, forest, cars, roads, buildings, lands, etc.) at an approximate range of 15cm to 40cm and conducts sampling operations by examining the return pulses from that area. The data collected is stored in LAS format.
Quick Terrain Modeller software provides this data by providing a 3D color model of existing data. The program’s wide range of capabilities has enabled professionals to work dramatically with larger volumes of data, render larger models, analyze existing data more quickly, and ultimately output their project to a variety of products. These advantages have made it possible for users of this software to provide accurate and detailed 3D maps of the terrain with maximum power in a simple graphical environment. Applied Imagery, the company that developed the program, simplified the interface by releasing any version of the software, but also provided many of the features that users wanted. Quick Terrain Modeller provides almost everything you need for 3D mapping of terrain.
Supported Operating Systems: Windows 7even or newer
Listed in the Readme file in the Crack folder.
As you can see, the edited versions are USA editions, which are more complete than International editions.
Download Applied Imagery Quick Terrain Modeller USA x64
Download Applied Imagery Quick Terrain Modeller 8.2.0 USA x64
Download Applied Imagery Quick Terrain Modeller USA x64
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Applied Imagery Quick Terrain Modeller v8.0.7.2 x64 USA


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