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ApowerREC Multilingual

发表于 2023-6-11 16:22:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
ApowerREC Multilingual

Apowerrec , the name of the software application products Apowersoft is well known. With this software you will be able to capture video and images from your computer screen will be. With this software, you can use whatever you want to photograph or capture. You can start from your computer screen to capture pictures and video of your choice, or you selected only certain parts of your photo and video.
All the videos that are recorded by the software ApowerREC with sound and voice recorded by this software is very good quality. The software is able to capture video from your webcam. It also uses the functionality of the software and the quality of sound recorded by the software, this software can also use to build an instructional video. Other features that this application puts at your disposal include a video editor tool, tool Task Recording and named.
Operating Systems
Windows 10
Windows 8 / 8.1
Windows 7
Crack Readme.txt file in the folder read.
Download ApowerREC Multilingual
Download ApowerREC_1.3.4.4_Build_01272019_Multilingual_Portable
Version installation: 36 MB
Portable version: 60 MB

ApowerREC Multilingual


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