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Mailbird 2.9.68 Multilingual

发表于 2023-6-11 15:48:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Mailbird 2.9.68 Multilingual

Mailbird is a beautiful client for managing your emails. If you find it difficult to navigate different emails, you can try this app if you occasionally forget to check your emails or are tired of checking your emails on the web. The program provides a seamless and integrated environment for checking all types of Yahoo, Hotmail, Gmail, and more. Simply enter all of your emails at once to keep them up to date whenever an email is sent to you.
However, you don\’t need to go to Gmail, Yahoo Mail, and more. You can manage your emails here. Archive, delete, or copy read emails. It is easier to write formatted emails and send them to multiple recipients, and you will have better communication than web applications because of the Windows software. This e-mail client has many features and features that will save you a lot of time when used correctly.
The program is installed in the system tray after initial setup and setup and will notify you as soon as you receive the new email with a distinct notification. The program has a nice user interface and in addition to its beautiful appearance, it also takes good care of security. It supports various languages ​​including Farsi and you can easily write Farsi emails right to left in an advanced editor. There are various tools for quick cleaning of Inbox, so you can keep your busy Inbox organized.
Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
After installing, copy and paste the file in the Crack folder where the program is installed.
Download Mailbird 2.9.68 Multilingual
Download Mailbird Multilingual Portable
228 MB

Mailbird 2.9.68 Multilingual


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