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AspxFormsGen MVC 5 Professional Plus Edition Retail

发表于 2023-6-11 11:18:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
AspxFormsGen MVC 5 Professional Plus Edition Retail

AspxFormsGen is an automatic code generator for ASP.NET MVC. MVC is a good technology for designing and implementing software, which of course has the most applications in designing and implementing websites. In MVC, the functional logic of the program, the business logic of the program, and the user interface of the program / website are effectively separated from each other, giving the programmer the ability to manage and develop each of the sections separately. It takes a lot of time to write these codes. AspxFormsGen is software that decides to make this process easier and faster.
This program allows you to automatically generate initial code, in other words, the general framework of the program. You can easily create models, views, controllers, interface and data layers, business layer and processors (or Ad hoc / Dynamic SQL) with a simple click. AspxFormsGen is a valuable tool for increasing the speed of coding in MVC projects, and programmers in this field can use the capabilities of this tool to increase the delivery speed of their projects.
Programmers know better.
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AspxFormsGen MVC 5 Professional Plus Edition Retail


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