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ChemDraw 21.0.0 macOS

发表于 2023-6-11 10:38:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
ChemDraw 21.0.0 macOS

The company also offered a different version of ChemBioOffice name it, we also offer.
ChemOffice and ChemBioOffice set of components and the fact that most of them will explain Zyrbrnamhhayy.
– SciFinder search directly from within the application without spending time for Cut and Paste
– Cut and Paste the CDXML and molfile text to the Windows clipboard, and the clipboard into the program to exchange data with software that can read this format
– Toolbar Biopolymer with disulfide bridges and beta-lactam, beta acids and D-amino, DNA, RNA, protective groups and backlinks
– Paste the peptide chain, DNS and RNA sequencing and interpretation of their chemical packing and shaping
– Gel Electrophoresis Plate arbitrary rotation tool for linear tags, drag and locate the band stickers, paste and copy and paste data from Excel and other resources to provide between lines.
– calculators for pKa, LogP and LogS enables scientists to acid dissociation properties such as bioavailability, distribution and aqueous solubility to explore the possible combinations.
– set up to send automatic docking of flexible ligands into three-dimensional shapes and compare them fit
– Set up structured spaces CONFLEX to explore and identify structures with minimal energy for small and large molecules
– a database administrator chemical and biological intelligent search engine
– cluster analysis (cluster) to help scientists discover similarities between the properties and composition
ChemDraw Professional
Ultra Chemfinder
ChemDraw for Excel
ChemFinder for Office
CombiChem for Excel
Struct = Name
MOPAC Interface for Chem3D
Autodock Interface
CONFLEX Interface
GAMESS and GAMESS Interface
Gaussian Interface
ChemDraw ActiveX / Plugin Pro
ChemBioDraw Ultra
ChemBio3D Ultra
ChemBioFinder Ultra
ChemBioViz Pro
ChemDraw / Excel Pro
ChemBioFinder for Office
CombiChem / Excel Pro
BioDraw Ultra
ChemNMR Pro
Struct = Name Pro
ChemScript Pro
MestRe Nova Std / Lite
MOPAC Interface for ChemBio3D
CONFLEX Interface
GAMESS and GAMESS Pro Interface
Gaussian Interface
ChemBioOffice for Windows
Following are the system requirements for the latest version of ChemBioOffice
ChemDraw plugin / ActiveX control supports:
.Net Framework 4.0
Important Notes:
Download PerkinElmer ChemOffice Suite 2022 v22.2.0.3300
Download PerkinElmer ChemOffice Suite 2021 v21.0.0.28 x64
Download ChemDraw 21.0.0 macOS
Download PerkinElmer ChemOffice Suite 2020 v20.1.1.125
Download PerkinElmer ChemOffice Suite 2019 v19.1.1.21
Download PerkinElmer ChemOffice Suite 2018 v18.2.0.48
Download PerkinElmer ChemOffice Suite 2018 v18.1.0.535
Download PerkinElmer ChemOffice Professional 17.1
Download ChemOffice Professional 17.0 Suite x86
Download PerkinElmer ChemOffice Professional
Download PerkinElmer ChemOffice Professional
Download ChemBioOffice Ultra
Download ChemBioDraw macOS
738 MB

ChemDraw 21.0.0 macOS


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